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The Best of Delaware: The Lodge at Truitt Homestead

The Lodge at Truitt Homestead is now officially the best senior living community southern Delaware has to offer! As voted by our residents and friends, The Lodge has been named Best of Delaware® – Best Senior Residence 2021 Readers Pick Downstate by Delaware Today. We are so grateful to have been welcomed to the community […]

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The Cost and Convenience of Monthly Rentals for Seniors

Happy senior man and woman stand outdoors

It can be easy to feel confused and overwhelmed by the variety of options available for senior living. Retirement can bring many changes with it, and seniors can face numerous housing challenges. Seniors can face challenges including feeling a loss of independence, financial changes, isolation, and physical limitations. Planning for future housing needs is a […]

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You’re Among FRIENDS When You Become a Member at One of Our Communities!

There are countless advantages of becoming a member of our communities prior to opening. In fact, you can read more about some of those perks here.   Our interpersonal relationships are important no matter how old we are, but did you know that it becomes even more important to maintain friendships and relationships as we age? Studies have shown that seniors with […]

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6 Reasons to Stick With Your Senior Living Plan Despite Covid-19

The COVID-19 pandemic makes life harder for seniors! Continuously changing regulations have shaken up routines and made daily living lonely and complicated. Many of these concerns can be made easier with caring professionals and a network of amenities and resources, as provided in a senior living community. Life is easier with convenient, qualified help whenever […]

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Top Jobs (and Volunteer Positions) for Retirees


“Retired is being twice tired, I’ve thought… First tired of working, then tired of not!” – Richard Armour    Ah, retirement… in the time that led up to the momentous occasion, you probably envisioned lots of golf, trips, outings with friends, and basically doing whatever (the heck) you wanted to do! And you would relish in every flexible, […]

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