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Senior Health and How to Stay Emotionally Healthy This Winter

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It’s that time of year again… the excitement of the holidays are over and your social calendar has waned now that the festive parties and family gatherings are over.  Winter is officially in the air in all its glory.  This time of year, especially for seniors, can be a bit gloomy and downright depressing as people spend more time at home than any other time of year.  For those who live alone, much time is likely spent in isolation with a few opportunities for socialization when family drops by or a trip is taken to run errands or an appointment. Because of this, older adults are particularly at risk for seasonal depression and puts their senior health at risk.
Additionally, the Winter season is a time of year that is dangerous for seniors. The threat of power outages, slips on ice, car accidents, falls in the home, and more cause many adult children to shutter in fear around this time. 
So what can a senior, or their loved one, do to encourage happiness and prevent accidents and improve senior health?  Thanks to the power of the internet, boundless knowledge is at our fingertips… and we’ve done the leg work by finding a few articles that help improve happiness and reduce the risk of accidents.
Below are 4 easy ways to stay healthy during the winter months from You can read the full description of each tip by reading the full article.

Tips for seniors to remain happy during the winter.

  1. Eat Healthy. Even though fruits and veggies may be out of season in the Winter, there are ways to get the healthful benefits from them. Just go to your grocery store’s freezer section!
  2. Enjoy the Great Outdoors. It’s not an old wives tale, fresh air really does a body good! If the walkways are dry, take some time to step out on a nice Winter day… just be sure to bundle up appropriately.
  3. Savor the Sunshine. The warm feel of a sunny day on the skin works wonders in curing the winter blues.  Even if you can’t get outside, curl up with a book near a sunny window. The Vitamin D from the sun can increase your energy and general disposition.
  4. Enjoy Time with Family and Friends. When the weather is not a safety hazard, make it a point to keep appointments with family and friends. If the weather doesn’t cooperate, have a nice chat on the phone with a long-distance relative. Better yet, if you have the technology try a video chat! 
Keeping a positive attitude and outlook is important for all of us. But it can be difficult for seniors who live alone at home, especially in the winter. Hopefully these 4 tips helped give you some ideas to implement for yourself or suggest to a loved one. 

Written by Vantage Point Retirement

Vantage Point Retirement Living is a family-owned and -operated organization. In an industry increasingly dominated by large, national corporations, Vantage Point provides a trustworthy, local, and family-oriented alternative for people seeking a community they can proudly call home, either for themselves or for a loved one.

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