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The Lodge Launches VIP Reservation Programs

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Charter Membership and Other VIP Programs Now Open at The Lodge

Let the Celebration Begin!

We’re excited to announce that depositors are now transitioning to Charter and Club Members based on their deposit date! Charter and Club Members are selecting their apartments and locking in their early reservation benefits.
Due to popular demand for these programs, and to offer as many people as possible early reservation benefits, we’re launching our third – AND FINAL – VIP benefit….

Founding Membership

After all Charter and Club Membership positions are filled (30 total), remaining depositors who agree to move-in within 60 days will lock in our pre-opening rates. This is meaningful because monthly rates are expected to increase upon our opening date. That means Founding Members will save hundreds, if not thousands, in the first year of residency… Benefits of Founding Membership include:
• Pre-opening pricing
• Early apartment selection
• Invitations to VIP pre-opening functions
• Priority access to Lewes Community
Don’t delay! Eligibility as a Founding Member is based on apartment availability and depositor status. 
Call Michele today at 302-727-0924 to place a fully-refundable deposit and join our wait list.


Written by Vantage Point Retirement

Vantage Point Retirement Living is a family-owned and -operated organization. In an industry increasingly dominated by large, national corporations, Vantage Point provides a trustworthy, local, and family-oriented alternative for people seeking a community they can proudly call home, either for themselves or for a loved one.

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