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Introducing Arcadia at Limerick Pointe


New Senior Living Community to Break Ground in 2017 in Limerick Will provide area residents with a new, modern approach to senior living that anyone, of any age, would be proud to call home   LIMERICK, PA (November 14, 2016) – A new senior living community will break ground near the intersection of Limerick’s Swamp […]

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Why An Active Adult Should Purchase Their New Home From a Developer Who Specializes in 55+ Living


Would you purchase a car from a motorcycle dealership? Sure, cars and motorcycles are both vehicles and forms of transportation, but when purchasing a car you want to go to a dealership that specializes in cars. The same goes for purchasing a new construction home as an active adult. All new home communities are NOT […]

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We’re Growing!


We at Vantage Point are excited to announce a new generation of communities, starting with a brand-new, state-of-the-art community coming to Limerick, PA in 2018. This announcement comes after many months of planning and we could not be more excited to bring the tradition of Vantage Point to the Perkiomen Valley. Arcadia at Limerick Pointe […]

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The Summit Club Membership Full


Vantage Point Retirement Living’s newest project, The Summit Retirement Community, hasn’t just met its pre-opening goals – it’s blown those goals out of the water! After the overwhelming popularity of an initial incentive program, The Summit opened up a secondary program that would provide 15 additional spots for pre-opening incentives if these new residents agreed to […]

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The Summit Featured in Delaware Business Times


The Summit Retirement Community, Vantage Point’s newest community, currently under construction in Hockessin, DE was recently featured in the Delaware Business Times. The article, written by Kathy Canavan, discusses three current building projects that are occurring on Limestone Rd., a busy thoroughfare that connects Hockessin, Newark and leads to Wilmington.  The Summit’s presence on this […]

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Vantage Point Launches a New Website


Last month, Vantage Point launched a fully redesigned corporate website. We hope you like the makeover.  In addition to our corporate website redesign, each of our communities’ websites are brand new as well! These websites enable visitors to easily view our content on one page, from any device. The new sites also provide much more […]

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