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How Senior Health Improves When Moving into Retirement Communities


When considering a move to a retirement community, people often think of it as a ‘final step’ and an acceptance that your health is failing. And while sometimes people move to a community like ours after a health event, most people move to our communities because they simply want a worry-free lifestyle. In fact, retirement […]

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The Difference Between Assisted and Independent Living


With so many options available for retirement living, it’s easy to feel overwhelmed and even confused at the prospect of choosing the ‘perfect’ community for yourself or a loved one. From financial concept (monthly rental vs. CCRC) to healthcare model (independent living, assisted living, memory care, skilled nursing, etc), the combinations and iterations can seem […]

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The Value of Friendship and Social Relationships for Seniors


Companionship is important for seniors and even as they age, they still require love, friendship, and care. Friendships are a major contributor to your well-being and health. Not only does having a strong network of people around you make you feel happier, but it’s also good for your health. Regardless of age, friendship prevents loneliness, […]

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