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March 2019 Construction Update – The Lodge

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Despite inclement weather earlier this month, construction continues at a feverish pace and we can’t wait to share what we’ve been up to!

The interior framing of the community continues, as well as roof installation. If you drive by the site you’ll notice that balconies are going up and if you look closely you’ll see the porte cochere that will grace our entrance being installed.

And finally, we’re ecstatic to say that ALL 20 OF OUR CHARTER MEMBERSHIP SPOTS have been filled. We are in the process of offering Club and Founding Membership to depositors. If you’re interested in being among the first to move into The Lodge and reap significant financial benefits, please call Michele Strum at 302-232-6372 or email [email protected].

Interested in checking things out further? Take a look at our monthly construction update video below!

Written by Vantage Point Retirement

Vantage Point Retirement Living is a family-owned and -operated organization. In an industry increasingly dominated by large, national corporations, Vantage Point provides a trustworthy, local, and family-oriented alternative for people seeking a community they can proudly call home, either for themselves or for a loved one.

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